The Altar Guild is dedicated to serving our Lord in His house through prayer and preparation of the Altar for worship. The service of the Altar Guild is specialized and of deep and spiritual significance. We prayerfully offer this service in preparation to celebrate the rites and ceremonies of the church including Holy Communion, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, and the Burial of the Dead, as well as any other services.
The work of the Altar Guild is done “behind the scenes” both before and after the worship services. Altar Guild members work in small groups to prepare the Altar for each service with the linens, candles, ceramic vessels, bread and wine. After each service, everything is cleaned and returned to its proper place. The linens are taken home to be washed, ironed and returned by the next Sunday service.
An Invitation to You
The Altar, as the place for celebrating the Holy Communion, is the center of our worship. We invite you to join us to experience the joy of serving our Lord in this very special way. We want to share our love for Christ with you. We all feel His presence in the sanctuary and are rewarded with a closer walk with Him.
If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a part of this ministry, please contact
Barbara Sterling, Coordinator,
“We are responsible for the care of the Sanctuary and Altar…” Numbers 18.5